My very first webpage began, "Home is where the heart is. These are the projects where I live." It contained one-page summaries of StreetWrites, StreetLife Gallery, SHARE, WHEEL each of which has grown into its own sizable website (most are offline being updated.)w I still have many enthusiasms, I write about them all, and I put it all up on websites. |
Every now and then, a visitor asks to know about me: what was my personal experience with homelessness, with bipolar disorder, with childhood sexual abuse; how do I live now; what's a "day in the life of Anitra" like; where did I get that name anyway? They even want to see photos. Some of them want to know if I'm married, and what I'm doing Saturday night. |
So here's All About Anitra |
The Good | The Bad | and The Funny |
Readers |
bipolar disorder |
My American Experience | What Is Family? | "What Is It Like to Be Homeless?" |
Family | Friends | Lovers | Heroes |
Passions | Pleasures | Pastimes |
Projects | A Day in the Life | Writing |
Food | Books |
What I look like | My health | "Where did that name come from?" | Contact | FAQ |