Getting Started. And Re-Started.
Priming the pump. Booting the disk. Goosing the muse. Overcoming a blank piece of paper
before it overcomes you.
How do you get an idea? How do you decide how to tell it? Where do you start?
What do you do when your mind goes dead on you and you are certain you will never write
anything more than shopping lists and rent checks for the rest of your barren life?
I'm going to list a number of ways to Start It Going that have worked for me, for friends
of mine, and for writers who have at least managed to write whole books about writing (also
some excellent poetry and fiction). I will let you play with them. Then I invite you to
contribute your own tips for tickling the muse.
Why Do You Write?
This is one of the uses of what you learned in the exercise "Why Write Poetry?" Often just
recalling what the reason was that we sat down here with the page is enough to get us
"Why do I want to write?"
"I want to give a voice to the homeless, to all the invisible
"There's a man sleeping in the doorway. What's his story?"
"Why do I want to write?"
"I want to create works of beauty."
"What's the most inspiring sight in front of me?"
"The sunrise reflected in the glass and steel of the building
across the street. One white seagull gliding across."
"Write it."
What Interests You?
Many beginning writers spend a lot of time trying to find something that "people" will be
interested in reading about. When they do find a "marketable" idea, they often spend a long
time trying to think of something to say about it.
Because they, themselves, really aren't all that interested.
Find one thing going on, one thing that you can see right now, that you are curious about,
care strongly about, want to spend some time on. Write about it. Put your passion into it.
*Make* other people be interested in it.
What Aren't You Saying?
When a person grows very quiet in a group conversation, sometimes it is because she is
holding back something. If she spoke just now, she might say something angry or bitter, and
make others mad at her. Or her voice might shake, she may cry, and that would be
It's the same for writers. Many cases of "Writer's Block" are the mind spiralling around
between "I have to say that" -- "I can't say that" -- "I have to say that" -- "I can't say
that" ...
Say it. You don't have to show it to anyone. Saying the Thing You Can't Say will make all
the other sayings easier.
Take a Walk
It may be the rhythm, it may be the change in focus, it may be getting more blood moving to
the brain, but a lot of writers find getting out and taking a walk to be a good way to get
their words moving.
When I first started writing poetry, a regular exercise I used was walking down the
street, describing what I saw. I still use it.
Wordsworth and Coleridge used to hike together and compose, each in his own head, in
companionable silence. Some of the resulting poems were Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" and
Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner". They were published together, with the rest of the
poems from these walks, in The Lyrical Ballads.
Cultivate Crazy Friends
An awful lot of my poems result from late-night goof sessions with my dear © Dr. Wes
Browning. And whenever I need a situation for a story, I start bouncing ideas back and forth
with Wes until one of them clicks and takes off for me.
I have a large number of correspondents on the web, and I am constantly being stimulated
by new ideas - and challenged by posed exercises. In grocery stores, computer cafes, and
street corners I meet Australian merchant seamen and students from Switzerland and Pakistani
refugees, all sorts of people with delicious lilts to their speech and fascinating
Writing can be an introverted job. Turning our attention out to others refreshes and
refuels us. Spending all our attention on conversation and stimulus leaves us no time to
write. Sooner or later, we have to turn inward to reflect and digest. And write. Like most
things, it's a matter of balance.
But crazy friends can be stimulating. Believe me.
Get a Muse
You usually don't have a choice. Muses seem to adopt you - perhaps on the basis of some dim
prehistoric contract, but without any conscious choice you made in the matter. One day a
force grabbed the back of your neck and a voice began yelling in your brain, "WRITE!"
"Muse" is a name given to the source of inspirations - usually compelling ones - that seem
to come from outside of ourselves. Words that flow so swiftly and smoothly and
rightly that they seem dictated to us.
"Muses" can be personified as everything from the Holy Ghost, felt by someone writing
inspiring Christian poetry, to Thalia the Greek Muse of Comedy, whom I invoke for satires and
Muses certainly get a lot of writing done. Be warned, however -- they are almost
impossible to control. Muses will wake you up in the middle of the night and say "Write!"
They will grab your attention in the middle of a play or a party and say "Write!" They have
been known to blank out the driver's window of your car, project a scene from a novel, and
yell, "Write!"
This doesn't have to be explained as literal possession by an external being -- unless you
are completely comfortable with such a notion. Many people aren't. Objectively and literally,
it is far more likely that the forceful "Write!" messages come from ourselves -- that
creative vein that you can call the intuition, the unconscious, the oversoul, of the Itness
of Is. What I call myself.
But I do find it useful, if I want to write something spiritual, to pray first; if I want
to write something funny, to invoke Thalia; if I want to write something sensual, to invoke
her sister Eros; etcetera. Maybe I am just focusing my inner attention on the qualities I
want to embody.
But Thalia has such a distinctive voice ...
Something Old
When I can't think of any new ideas, what I do sometimes is think back to an idea I tried to
write once, that I want to try again; or a poem I wrote long ago, and lost, that I want to
try to re-create.
Something New
Sometimes it helps just to try a different style, or subject, than you are used to. If you
always write rhyme, try blank verse; if you always write blank verse, try writing a sonnet;
if you always write three-page poems, try haiku for awhile. If you have written about nature
for the last five years, take a bus ride downtown and write a poem that duplicates the sound
of city traffic and other rhythms of the streets.
Something Borrowed
Pick on a favorite poem that is really distinctive, in form or style. Really pick on it.
Mimic it. This can be a loving and respectful mimicry, a parody, or a travesty.
Something Blue
Are you feeling miserable because you can't write? Are you feeling sorry for yourself?
Go for it. Write about how terrible it all is, how lonely and silent you are and your
whole life is a wasteland and no-one understands and out there all the happy writers are
dashing back and forth chasing bright and flitting words and there are no words left for
You may even get a poem out of it. You will, very possibly, eventually start laughing. And
living again.
Rant and Rave
This one is from my friend Dr. Wes Browning. He says, when he wants to write something, he
picks some one or some thing that he feels very strongly about, and just holds forth, rants
and raves and goes on and on and gets it all off his chest, for pages and pages and pages.
Then he puts it aside.
A day or two later, he sits down and writes about the same subject - in the form of a
poem, a short story, or one of his satirical columns.
Shitty First Draft
This term comes from Anne Lamott, in her writing book, Bird by Bird. She is
talking about prose writing, but it is just as valid for poetry. A friend of mine said,
making New Year's resolutions, "I have edited myself silent for too long." When we are too
busy critiquing the words even before they get to the paper, we aren't WRITING. Write first.
THEN edit.
The Back Burner
I like to give my back mind an idea to chew on, then go on about my business and let it stew.
Another friend of mine describes it as putting an image or line in her pocket; when she takes
it out at the end of the day, other bits have adhered to it, like lint.
Your creative mind can work wonders with the oddest things. Years ago, I took a phone
message for the man I was living with at the time, a carpenter. I didn't have pen and paper
handy, and I was in the middle of kneading bread dough at the time, so I tried to just
remember the message. Unfortunately, my mind was being very creative that week, and by the
time Gary got home, the only thing I could recall for him was, "A dryad called from the woods
today. She said she'd call back at three PM Tuesday."
I still have the poem I got from that. However, I no longer live with Gary.
There is an endless and growing number of games you can play, invented by writers to get
writers going. Some of the ones I have used:
Six Random Words, or the Sextrain
Pull six words at random - from the dictionary, the newspaper, signs on the street, wherever.
Try, as far as humanly possible, to make the completely unconnected.
Now connect them.
This makes a great poet's party game, with each person taking turns throwing out a set of
) Each line of the resulting poem must contain one, and
only one, of the six words.
) Each line must END with one of the six words.
) Each line must BEGIN with one of the six words.
You can invent your own variations.
Found Poems / Collagesque
This writing game consists of assembling lines taken from other
sources. No original writing is inserted; only original assembly.
List Poems
There are many kinds of lists: list all the adorable attributes of
your lover; list all the annoying attributes of your lover; list many
different things, good and bad, associated with "earth"; list a dozen
great idiots of history, culminating in Mayor Paul Schell (or figure of your
choice). The great thing about list poems is, once you get started, they
can go on and on and on ...
First Line Challenges
This has proved a successful game between writers. You may each
have a first line that has been rolling around on the back burner for
years without kicking up any sparks -- but if you trade them, whoosh!
Exercise : Getting Started
Finally! Let's write something!
Step 1:
Pick one of the listed ways of Getting Started and try it. If it doesn't
work for you, try another. When you do get a result, post it.
Guidelines for critique
Critique these poems as you would any poem.
Using the critiques
This is general advice on critiques, for writers. Use as much as you can
of any criticism. But even when criticism is harsh, do not let it be
discouraging. You have gotten started. Don't edit yourself silent.
Step 2:
If you have additional techniques that have worked for you, to start
filling up a blank page, please post them.
This exercise is not for critique. If it works for you, use it; if it
doesn't, don't.
Write On!
Anitra |