Echoes, AgainWe can create a pattern in poetry by repetitions of sound. We can create a pattern in poetry by repetitions of beat. We can create a pattern in poetry by repetitions of words, phrases, or whole lines.Like that. In this topic we will explore several different kinds of repetition, practice each of them, and examine the effects. Words, Again"The Bells", by Edgar Allen Poe, is a famous - or infamous - example of the repetition of words for effect.Hear the sledges with the bells -- Like most other aspects of poetry, repetition is most effective when it is deliberate. Accidental repetition can be an excess of duplicated and overdone redundancy, that distracts from your poem rather than adds to it. Exercise : Repeated WordsWrite an eight-line poem in which at least one word is used repeatedly.Guidelines for critiqueWhat is the effect of the repetition?In Other WordsA variation of repeating the same word is to use several different forms of the same word. Technical term for your collection: polyptoton.The Greeks are strong and skillful in their strength, Exercise : PolyptotonI just love that word.Write an eight-line poem building a pattern by using one or more words in varied forms. Guidelines for critiqueWhat is the effect of the repetition?Re-PhrasingDo you know what I was using in the opening paragraph? That technique of repeated words at the beginnings of successive clauses or sentences is called "anaphora". Well, if you do like knowing technical terms, you now have another one.When the repetition is at the end of successive clauses, or sentences, it is called "epistrophe". A famous example is from St. Paul, in I Corinthians: When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. Exercise : Repeated PhrasesWrite an eight-line poem in which at least one phrase is used at least three times.Guidelines for critiqueWhat is the effect of the repetition?Re-frainingAnother type of repetition is the "refrain", a line or group of lines re-occurring throughout a piece. The refrain, "And Brutus is an honorable man," is all it takes to identify Antony's funeral oration for Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare.Exercise : RefrainWrite a poem of not less than 8, or more than 24 lines, that uses a refrain.Guidelines for critiqueHow memorable is the refrain?What is the effect of its use? Forms of repetitionThere are certain poetic forms, like the pantoum, that use the repetition of lines in set patterns. These will be covered in separate exercises.Repetitions of IdeaA common Biblical pattern (mainly in the Old Testament) is "parallelism" - the repetition of the same thought in two different phrasings. This takes three forms:
The Bible isn't the only source of parallelism. Here is an example from Walt Whitman: A noiseless patient spider, Exercise : ParallelismWrite a poem of at least ten lines, and not more than twenty, in which one idea is built upon in many repetitions to an ending that is either a synthesis or an antithesis.Guidelines for critiqueCan you identify the idea?Can you follow the idea? Is the parallelism effective? What is the effect? How strong is the ending? And now -- Write On! |