Another direction I have been trying to stretch in is using more free- association -- I
admire the vivid images and wild shifts in direction of many modern poets, while I tend (at
least in poetry!) to follow a logical line, myself.
One way I have found to free up my writing is to write from dream images -- dreams being naturally vivid in images, wildly jumpy in logic. I've introduced this in local workshop, and everyone else finds it productive too -- has usually been using it already. For me, it's best done by the "kamikaze", or speedwriting, method -- set a timer for three to five minutes and write non-stop, with no pause for analysis. Write images from dreams, as they come to you, and don't try to make them take a logical order. This was what I came up with in a recent workshop: River water cold to my knees. What do you come up with, writing from dreams? Write On! |