
Need to find shelter? a meal? treatment program? Try the Seattle Crisis Resource Directory. This user-friendly page lists all sorts of organizations, with phone numbers and basic information, organized by topic.

The Crisis Clinic Community Resources online database also has extensive information on food, shelter, treatment, employment and education programs in Seattle in King Country. This site can be frustrating to use, so plan to be patient or look somewhere else first.

You can find thorough (and constantly updated) infomation on local computer labs and training programs at the city of Seattle's searchable database of Technology Centers.

Homeless Community Online
Interested in joining chat groups, forums, or e-mail lists for homeless/formerly homeless people? Discussing homelessness and related issues? Check out StreetSpeech, managed by Anitra Freeman. The site has extensive links to homeless forums, chat groups, webpages (both by and for homeless people), and information on activism and speaking out online.

Homeless and Activist Email Lists, another treat from Anitra Freeman. Learn more about email lists here.

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