Building a Larger Community
A webring is a way of linking similar sites with one set of standardized links. These are webrings of sites related to homeless issues, as listed at Ringworld.
(streetring) -- 17 sites --
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StreetRing is literally voices from the street. Created for homeless or formerly homeless people who have discovered the Internet and have decided to try building Web pages. Membership is NOT restricted. The major focus is dialogue. Service providers, governmental staff, academics and students, and other interested people should feel welcome. By taking time to navigate the sites of StreetRing, a Web surfer should have his or her thinking changed in some way.

Activist Art
(streets) -- 65 sites --
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Activist Art is a webring of activism sites using the creative arts to transform our world. The themes may be social justice, protecting the environment, homeless rights or ending child abuse, but are not limited; the mediums may be written word, visual art, sound, all or other. Humor, satire, music, theater, puppetry and the heritage of many cultures are all in the ring. None of us can change the whole world by ourselves; together, we most certainly can.
StreetWrites Workshop for Writing Out of the Margins
(stwri) -- 27 sites --
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The web-published pages of StreetWrites workshop members. Anything on the Web published by a StreetWrites member is eligible. StreetWrites is a workshop for homeless and low-income writers. You can join the StreetWrites workshop from these pages, and the workshop facilitators will help you publish a webpage if you do not yet have one.

(in) -- 7 sites --
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Linking homeless shelter and resource information, to make it more accessible to those who need it and to promote and support the groups creating it.

The Power Ring
(empow) -- 11sites --
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Connecting and promoting sites that are actively empowering members of a marginalized group; homeless, children, minorities, the mentally ill, or any others who are generally "helped" to death. To qualify, your program must be doing something active to help -- not just talk, though aiding dialogue is useful too -- and the people being helped have an active voice in the program and contribute 50% or more of the content of the site.

Global Homeless Network
(homeless) -- 19 sites --
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The Global Homeless Network is a webring for organizations and individuals fighting the war on homelessness around the world.

Zone Eleven
(zoneeleven) -- 50 sites --
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Zone11 Supporters Webring No short way of saying what we are or where we are heading. We are combining efforts & resources to provide veteran support groups(AO,GW Syndrome,PTSD,Homeless,etc)Veterans assistance programs, andother features to the Veterans Internet Community. This is for any Vet and their families, that want to be involved. There are scheduled events and special guests online using various chat programs. Check our Calendar of Events and Message Board for daily updates.

SWC Family Co-Creative Community
(swcfam) -- 76 sites --
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We are a community of a spiritual light family who have come together once again. This webring was co-created to further the sharing of peace, knowledge, and wisdom, and spirit energy. Our aim is the spreading of light. One spirit task underway is the creation of Full Circle Sanctuary where animals and the homeless, abused and spiritually broken may find shelter and alternative healing. The healed becoming healers.

Criminal Justice Ministry Web Ring
(cjmwebring) -- 34 sites --
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The Criminal Justice Minsitry Web Ring is a ring of Christian Web Sites that reach out to Prisoners, Ex-Offenders, Victims, Criminal Justice Professionals and all of their Families.

Salvation Army Ring
(sallyring) -- 5 sites --
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This is The Salvation Army webring. The Salvation Army, an International movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. Its message is based on the Bible. Its ministry is motivated by the love of God. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human need in His name without discrimination.

a helping HAND
(ahelpinghand) -- 17 sites --
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This ring is open to all people and organizations who want to help the homeless.

Ring of Gutter Punks, Squatters, Train Hoppers, and Homebums
(crustypunk) -- 12 sites --
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crust, crusties, punks, punk rock, gutterpunks, squatters, anarchists, homebums, slobs, freaks, goths, pagans, losers, street kids, survival, homelessness.

Feeding The Street
(feedring) -- 6 sites --
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"Feeding The Street" is a webring developed to educate and inspire others on the subject of being homeless. It also includes information on soup kitchens and shelters across the United States. We are "teaching the world to help mankind."

The Rhode Island Activists Webring
(crustypunk) -- 12 sites --
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A ring for Rhode Islanders who are activists. housing, homelessness, civil rights, education, jobs, criminal justice, prison reform, police reforms, etc.

(pinkmittens) -- 13 sites --
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ways a woman works for a living: discuss. the 1960s feminism alive and revived.

Together In A World Of Need
(shring) -- 4 sites --
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The "Together In A World Of Need Webring" will encompass all websites that are related to serving humanity. From homelessness to specific diseases, this webring sees no colors and rejects no site that is devoted to the aid of others less fortunate in our world.

Poverty related webrings
Consistent Life Ethic Ring
(cle) -- 26 sites --
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A ring of sites concerned with consistent life ethic issues (anti-abortion, anti-capital punishment, anti-war, anti-euthanasia, anti-racism, anti-nuclear arms, anti-poverty). The perspective is non-traditional or "alternative," open to sites that are feminist, liberal, secular, LesBiGay, pacifist, etc.

Catholic Justice and Peace
(justpeace) -- 25 sites --
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The Catholic Justice and Peace ring is dedicated to Our Lady Queen of Justice and directs pilgrims along pathways of justice and peace. Sites in this webring include those devoted to the study, practice, and spirituality of the justice and peace teachings of the Catholic Church.

Low Income Networking and Communications (LINC) Project
(linc) -- 8 sites --
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The Low Income Networking and Communications (LINC) project is a collection of online sources of information for and about groups of low income people organizing around welfare rights issues. The LINC Project is a project of the Welfare Law Center, a national legal and policy office that advocates with and on behalf of low income people to get the basic subsistence, justice, and fairness to which they are entitled.

Sustainability Web Ring
(sustainability) -- 152 sites --
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The Sustainability Web Ring focuses on the efforts of organizations to achieve sustainable development. You will find information from around the world about how to deal with such crucial issues as: climate change, cleaner production, waste, poverty, consumerism, natural resource management, and governance. The information is tageted at civil society, governments, businesses, researchers, and communities. This web ring is a service provided to you through the SD Gateway. Welcome!

(amoe) -- 59 sites --
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welcome to Amoe, we are a group of women reaching around the world to alieviate the tears of children caused by neglect, poverty and illness, with love. We are for the children.

The Saint Francis of Assisi Webring
(assisi) -- 36 sites --
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Seeing the world in much turmoil, the creator of the Webring decided to try to spread to the world the message of the Little Poor Man of Assisi. Francis is well known for talking to animals and vows of poverty, but this ring also wishes to promote Christianity. Francis' Christianity was a radical one, one that transformed society then, and, if given a chance, can do so now. Find out more about the man and his mission.

PlaNet Ring, the Microfinance ring
(planetfinance) -- 10 sites --
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PlaNet Ring is the RING of Microfinance and Micro-credit. PlaNet Ring is managed by PlaNet Finance, an international non governmental organisation aiming at developing microfinance by using the Internet and Information Technology. Microcredit consists in the provision of financial services to micro-entrepreneur and to the poor. Microcredit is seen as an efficient tool to alleviate poverty.

(cwiws) -- 63 sites --
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The Struggle*Solidarity*Socialism webring is one place to find groups which fight * against poverty and injustice * against racism * against homophobia * for socialism.

Housing webrings
Habitat For Humanity
(habitat99999) -- 3 sites --
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Habitat For Humanity International is a non profit Christian housing organization dedicated to eliminating poverty housing throughout the world. Through volunteer labor and tax deductible donations of money and materials, Habitat For Humanity builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses with the help of the homeowner (partner) families, Habitat houses are sold to partner families at no profit, financed with no interest loans. HFHI has affiliates in every State and in 43 countries.

UK Social Housing Ring
(ukhousing) -- 11 sites --
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Web ring promoting social housing web sites in the UK. Includes resources, housing associations, co-ops and tenant management resources. The ring includes recruitment and education and training sites for those interested in working in social housing. The ring was formed by, home of the UK Housing Resource Guide.

Tenants of Public & Subsidized Housing
(tenants) -- 3 sites --
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This ring is for tenants of both Subsidized and Public Housing in the USA.

The Cohousing Webring
(cohousing) -- 4 sites --
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This ring holds pages that have the content of cohousing groups around the world making it easier for people to find a vancancy in a cohousing group near their location.

Rent Ring
(rentalinfo) -- 18 sites --
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Started 2/6/97 Mission = to promote and share information on rentals housing, to include tenant's rights, tips about rental living, and information about available housing. All the pages on the ring have to meet certain standards to be included. Your page must display information of value to renters, landlords or property managers such as tips about apartment living, tenant's rights, new software, or other information considered to be of value to the above mentioned groups.

Intentional Communities
(ic) -- 34 sites --
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Intentional Communities have historically been places where idealists have come together to create a better world. Although thousands exist or are forming today, most people are unaware of them or their roots. The Intentional Communities web ring is intended to increase public awareness of existing and newly forming communities. These web sites contain information and referrals for those who are actively seeking, or simply curious about alternate lifestyles for themselves and their families.


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