This ring was begun by Tracie Martin and dedicated friends. I appreciate being allowed to adopt this ring and I will do my utmost to encourage the bards who use it.
Write On!
~ Anitra Freeman ~
What is a Webring? | What is This Webring? |
Why Should I Join? | Do I Qualify? |
How Do I Join the Ring? | Maintaining Your Site in the Ring |
How Do I Surf the Ring? | The Bardic Forum |
Other Literature Webrings |
A webring is a way of linking similar sites that is easier to surf, for visitors, and also easier for webmasters to maintain. Each member page has a small set of links including "Next" "Previous" and "List" that allow visitors to circle the ring site by site. These links are maintained in a central webring server database. Individual webmasters do not have to keep track of everyone they are linked to and make changes whenever anyone joins, changes servers, or drops out. Each individual is only responsible for maintaining their own site information in the database.
server for this webring is There are several other ring services,
the best of which in my opinion is Ringsurf. The advantage that Ringsurf and
Webring have over other services is that each keeps a searchable database of
rings, so rings are easier to find for both surfers and prospective members.
Webring has two additional advantages over Ringsurf:
The Bardic Circle is a web ring designed to bring together sites whose main premise is written language. Whether poetry, stories or songs, the Circle is meant to preserve the art of the bards in what ever fashion it may. Those of you who wish to join this circle are the Bards of today.
Webrings make links to other similar sites easier to maintain. makes joining and maintaining webrings easier than any other ring server. This gives you more time to write.
Webrings can increase the visibility of your site, and increase its traffic. This is not guaranteed. The more traffic any individual site in the ring gets, the more traffic moves on to other sites in the ring. Therefore the more we help promote each other, the more we get read ourselves. The more we are read by visitors, the more traffic we will get; the more traffic we get, the more we can be read. Win/Win all around, 'eh?
If you are not currently a member of Webring, you must join before filling out the form. Membership is free. Webring does not spam you. And as a member, you can create or join any number of rings and manage them all from one center.
You will be sent an email containing the code you need to install on your page to be an active part of the ring. This will initially display a link to the ring hub page with the message "Pending." If, after reviewing your site, I add it to the ring, this will change to display the full set of ring navigation code. If for any reason I deny your application, the link to The Bardic Circle will simply disappear.
If you have not installed the ring navigation code on your webpage before I add you to the ring, your page will remain in "suspended" status until you do. You will not be getting traffic from the ring until visitors can navigate through your page to the rest of the ring. Fair 'nuff?
Some members, especially those who use AOL, may find it easier to get the webring navigation code off the web. If you need the Javascript code for the navbar:
Lynx (text-only) and some older graphic browsers, however, cannot use Javascript. For this reason, I used to ask members to use HTML code in addition to, or instead of, the Javascript code. However, has remembered the NOSCRIPT tag. Browsers that cannot use JavaScript will, instead, use everything between the NOSCRIPT and the /NOSCRIPT tags.
The current coding between those two tags provides a link to a page that will display all your navbars. If you want to display the navbars directly on the current page, you can use the HTML version of the navbar.
To get the HTML navbar, follow the above steps, but when you get to the page displaying the SSNB code, scroll to the bottom and click the word "here" at the end of the sentence "Members who wish to use the HTML version of this navbar should go here."
If you use the Javascript code, the navbar for each new webring you join will automagically appear in the "stack" and if Webring or I make any changes to the ring code, they will be also appear automagically. If you use the HTML form, you will have to manually insert the HTML navbar for each new ring, and change it yourself if there are any changes to the code.
You can find additional help at my Webring Management page.
New to webrings and want more information? See My First Ring.
The Webring magic cannot work without you. You are the only one who can keep your site information current. If you move your page, change your email address, or make other updates that affect navigation and communication in the ring, you are responsible for logging in to Webring and updating your information.
If you are using the Javascript code, any changes I make to the webring navigation bar will be automagically reflected on your page. If you choose to use the HTML option, you are responsible for updating your page if the ring navbar changes.
The standard webring navigation links are:
If a ring breaks — you click "Next" or "Previous" and get a "no such site" error, or can't find any ring code to surf onward — use the back button of your browser to go back to the last site with any navigation code and click "Hub" (or "List.") At the top of the list of member sites is a number indicating how easy that ring is to surf, overall. "100" means 100%: navigation is easy to find and always works. Slightly lower numbers usually just mean that some sites have the navigation code on a different page than the one you enter the site by, so that you have to look for a "webrings" link to move onward. Much lower than 90, the ring probably has broken links. (Somebody hasn't been maintaining their site entries.) The lower the number, the harder the ring is to navigate.
In the Hub list, sites that can't be reached or that have broken navigation code will be marked by a red dot or a red thumbs-down. Sites that have the navigation code on a separate, linked, page will be marked by a yellow dot or yellow thumbs-up. Sites will a green dot or green thumbs-up have working code on the same page you'll surf to.
You can send me an email if you find a broken link in the ring, or if you feel that a particular site's content is inappropriate. Contact form.
Webring has added the option of forums to its webrings. Members of the webring are welcome to post your writing at the Bardic Circle Forum, to announce updates to your website, or to discuss anything within the general topic of Barding.
Visitors to the ring may also read the entries at the Forum.
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Commonwealth of Letters | Webring Tour | AnitraWeb Writing |