
wowing at ducks
        arms akimbo flail
sprig blossoming plum.
    Here, at Third and Yesler
    even lawyers and tramps, police
and addicts seem to glow
        having been injected
        through their ears by
        two three year old tottlers'
    boundless, bubbling shouts:
        electric, effervescent.
Chasing one another or birds,
    boy and girl,
            first clockwise
then counter
        scatter pigeons
        'round concrete fountain --
    surprisingly beautiful!
Turtle gargoyles stare
having forgotten to spout water.
        Turquoise title reflects
the sun's dance across
        cathedral skies.
        1998 January 18th: merchants
welcome Chinese fire crackers with
        Hung Gao footed dragon's
shimmey-jumping "Dee da" to drums:
    every body renewed.
    Tiger, tiger burning
bright thy fearful symmetry is
    not appeased by technocrats'
    candlelite King/march
with children in Bellevue;
    mammon dementia
        on T.V. grins mink collared lies:
money can't twist God's justice.


E. O. Anthony