Anitra kissing up to the CEOAbout Me

I believe that creativity is the essence of being a spirit and a human being. I believe that we make ourselves, our souls, our lives, and we shouldn't buy them off the rack.

I am committed to helping people develop as creative individuals.

I started my first webpage in 1995 while I was homeless, and it opened with, "Home is where the heart is. These are the projects where I live." It continued with information about what I was involved in: a homeless writer's workshop that I started; classes for homeless people on using the Internet, that I started; a homeless newspaper I helped edit; a homeless artist's cooperative; homeless organizing projects in which homeless and formerly homeless men and women work together for safety and shelter and an end to homelessness. Since then I have created about 40 websites. Everything that stood the test of "Will someone actually read this and come back again" is now gathered together on one domain, "Anitra's Web." You are welcome to browse; I recommend taking along plenty of coffee and chocolate. :)

Some people think that pornography built the Internet, some think it grew out of scientific curiousity, others see it as just another tool of commercialism. But I see an Internet built by generous, creative people, from those who first conceived of "packet" technology and those who program Open Source applications to those who display pretty graphics for adoption; people who make their contributions freely available to everyone.

I wanted to create a unique award, one that focused on content instead of on "Wow!" design, an award expressing what I truly value.

When I was 24, in the Air Force, I shared a room briefly with a woman who told me about her "Campaign to save the vanishing frompers." She explained that frompers are the small invisible beings who dance on your ceiling at night. I loved the frompers and, although I have lost touch with my old room-mate, I have continued her campaign. I have elaborated on the nature of frompers and taken them as a symbol of creative imagination. It seemed appropriate to make my award the Fromper Award.

I began offering my award on the site dedicated to the Muse Thalia. Those pages are also now gathered under the Anitra Web domain. The "voice" in these pages is still sometimes Anitra, and sometimes Thalia, and sometimes I say "we" -- meaning Anitra & Thalia. I do not have a multiple personality. :-) Thalia is an inspirational spirit, but Anitra takes sole responsibility for site evaluations and all other contents of these pages.

Gratitude is a creative force. I hope that by expressing my gratitude for the creative resources on the Internet, in the form of this award, that I contribute to the continuing Net growth of creativity.

Write On!

Anitra L. Freeman